Friday, 8 August 2014

Part 7: Welcome to Silent Forest

Oops, mic was on mute. I guess thats the main con of a playthough, if theres a fuck up, you can't re-record it. Well enjoy my leisurely stroll through the silent forest.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Part 6: Hot Ladder Action

This episode, LADDERS!!!!!!! Also, catfights and pounding on mushrooms. What? That sounded like a different thing? Well I have no idea why you would think that, you must just have a sick mind. For shame.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Part 5: Hail Hydra

This episode, everything continues to go perfectly, no mistakes are made at all, and Tysonius does nothing but wreck face. We beat the Bell Keeper gargoyles, the titanite demon, Oswald the Pardoner, and the mighty Hydra, and definitely don't die several times in quick succession.

Part 4: No Havel-domo Yamate!!!!

Did I say that once i left Blightown things would be easier? I don't recall saying that, you're a liar. This time, i do exactly as well as I expect, and nothing goes wrong in any way. WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 4 August 2014

Part 3: Done, Donner, Donnest

God damn I hate Youtube upload time. It makes fitting the work into a day that much more difficult. Well anyway, this ep. I kill off Ceaseless Discharge after looting his dead sister's corpse, and finally finish up my business in Blighttown. THANK SCIENCE!!!!!!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Part 2: Mildred is not the brightest lass....


Rest easy, for that bitch Quelaag is vanquished, as well as her stupid mute sister. It took quite a bit of effort to overcome Quelaag, particularly with Mildred's penchant for standing in lava while Quelaag whales on her. With that challenge (quite possibly the hardest for my entire run) out of the way. Next episode will hopefully be a quick Ceaseless Disharge kill, and then a nice easy romp through the Undead Burg.

And before you ask, yes, i was definitely sittign in a wind tunnel that entire recording session. Shut up.

Saturday, 2 August 2014


Well i was kinda busy today and spent what little spare time I had planning Tysonius' levels and items. So i think Ill leave part 2 till tomorrow. Im gonna count the test footage as day one, and part one as todays thing. Seeing as they were both technically uploaded on those days. My apologies

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Part 1: Fun Times in Poison City

It begins. The mighty Darkwraith-to-be Tysonius sets out out his mighty quest to slaughter everything he possibly can, and, being not the brightest lad, immediately goes to Blightown. He faces the mighty trolls who guard the entrance way. And dies. He runs past them and through the poisoned waters of the leech filled swamp. And dies. He defeats "Maneater" (Tee Hee) Mildred, and recruits her help to fight Spiderwoman, I mean Quelaag. And dies.

Getting this first post out was surprisingly difficult, seeing as I had planned to wake up at 9 and record and upload the damn thing, but I decided 5 more minutes in bed couldn't hurt and BAM!!!!! 1 pm! So I'm gonna put the post up while the video has 357 minutes of uploading left to do, and put the video up as soon as possible.

So the 35 minute part 1 was removed from Youtube for being "too long". Which is just all kinds of amazing. So I've asked Youtube to let it stay, but in either case, I guess I'll just record the next part tomorrow and continue like nothing happened.

So I'm a moron. Literally 2 minutes later I realise I hadn't verified my account for Youtube, kind of a mark of how new I am, anywho, here's the video.


Testing testing, one-two.

So I have made the potentially fatal decision to start up a blog for Blaugust, and post something of value on it every day for the whole month. As you might possibly have guessed, my decision for content was to playthrough Dark Souls 1, seeing as I had been playing so much Dark Souls 2. I'm going to put in the testing footage, audio's a bit out of whack between mic and game volume, definitely going to tweak that for the actual game. I'm envisaging a good half-hour of play each day, but that is liable to change, depending on a whole host of factors that I won't even begin to explain. So without further ado, into the pit of despair we dive!